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Results for - "Donath David"    Showing 4 Results by Author

  1. Risk factors for PSA bounce following radiotherapy: outcomes from a multi-modal therapy analysis
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2014 (Volume 21, Issue 6, Pages 7548 - 7553)
    PMID: 25483763
  1. Deferred permanent prostate seed brachytherapy does not affect PSA outcome: results from a large retrospective cohort
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2013 (Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 7028 - 7034)
    PMID: 24331344
  1. Association between erectile function and lower urinary tract symptoms in patients treated with permanent seed prostate brachytherapy
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Aug 2010 (Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 5259 - 5264)
    PMID: 20735904
  1. Factors influencing treatment decisions in patients with low risk prostate cancer referred to a brachytherapy clinic
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2008 (Volume 15, Issue 6, Pages 4415 - 4420)
    PMID: 19046495