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Results for - " Chung I. Benjamin"    Showing 3 Results by Author

  1. Adrenalectomy for benign and malignant disease: utilization and outcomes by surgeon specialty and surgical approach from 2003-2013
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2017 (Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 8990 - 8997)
    PMID: 28971785
  1. Robot-assisted versus open radical prostatectomy utilization in hospitals offering robotics
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Jun 2016 (Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 8279 - 8284)
    PMID: 27347621
  1. Estimating the risk of chronic kidney disease after nephrectomy
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2013 (Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 7035 - 7041)
    PMID: 24331345