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Prostate needle biopsy infection after four or six dose ciprofloxacin
Division of Urology, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California
Oct  2000 (Vol.  7, Issue  5, Pages( 1066 - 1069)


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    This retrospective analysis is to determine rates of clinical infection after prostate needle biopsy with four versus six doses of ciprofloxacin to previous literature.


    Two groups were treated with pre and post biopsy 500 mg of ciprofloxacin twice daily by either six doses (n=337) or four doses (n=288) with the first dose given 24 or 12 hours prior to the procedure respectively.


    Six (0.96%) of the 625 patients had symptomatic urinary tract infections with a positive urinalysis and/or culture. One (0.3%) infection occurred among patients receiving six doses of ciprofloxacin, and five infections (1.7%), were identified among four dose patients. Two febrile episodes occurred in the four dose group, one requiring hospitalization.


    A low infection rate associated with prophylactic regimens. Six doses of ciprofloxacin appears more effective than four doses in reducing the clinical and febrile infection rate following ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate. No obvious financial benefit was observed.