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Post transurethral resection of prostate incontinence in previously radiated prostate cancer patients
Clinical Fellow at the Toronto Hospital, Western Division, University of Toronto
Jun  1998 (Vol.  5, Issue  2, Pages( 560 - 563)


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    This is a retrospective review evaluating the incidence of incontinence post transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) in patients who have had previous external beam radiation (XRT) for prostate cancer (PCA).


    1,230 patients underwent XRT for PCA between January 1985 and April 1996. From this group, 16 patients mean age of 67.8 years (range 48-84) at the time of XRT had a subsequent TURP for obstructive symptoms a median of 3.25 years later (range 3 months to 10.2 years). Patients have been followed post TURP for a median of 5.0 months (range 1 to 81 months).


    Nineteen percent (3) patients developed incontinence post TURP. An additional patient remained in retention and continued to suffer overflow incontinence. Incontinence was associated with a shorter time interval between XRT and TURP (13 months versus 55.3 months) and with a greater amount of prostatic resection (19 grams versus 11.4 grams) when compared to the continent group, but did not meet statistical significance.


    A high risk of incontinence post TURP in previously radiated patients was demonstrated. The association with a shorter time interval between procedures and the larger resection suggests that a conservative approach is warranted. Studies with the use of preop and post TURP urodynamics would be useful in further defining risk factors in this population.