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Photoselective vaporization of the prostate: application, outcomes and safety
Department of Surgery, Urology Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, USA
Aug  2019 (Vol.  26, Issue  41, Pages( 8 - 12)
PMID: 31481143


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    Open prostatectomy and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has been the gold standard therapy for moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In recent years, laser vaporization technologies have now been recognized by international guidelines as an effective treatment alternative to TURP for treating BPH.


    In this contemporary review, we aim to discuss the application, outcomes and safety of photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP), specifically with the GreenLight laser. We also discuss the properties and evolution of the GreenLight laser as understanding the basic principles of this laser system.


    GreenLight PVP is a durable and effective alternative to TURP, especially in high-risk patients on systemic anticoagulation. Aside from providing similar efficacy and safety, the GreenLight PVP also allows for decreased hospitalization times, catheterization times and subsequently decreased healthcare costs. The latest generation laser, 180W XPS system, is found to be more cost-effective and efficacious in tissue vaporization when compared to previous laser generations.


    Laser vaporization is a safe and effective option to treating LUTS secondary to BPH. A patient-centered approach considering patient preference and preoperative parameters should be employed to determine the ideal treatment option for each individual patient.