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How I do it: Balloon tamponade of prostatic fossa following Aquablation
PROCEPT BioRobotics Corporation, Redwood Shores, California, USA
Aug  2017 (Vol.  24, Issue  4, Pages( 8937 - 8940)
PMID: 28832316


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  • Since its first report in the 1870s, control of bleeding after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has remained a concern. Foley's initial report of a urinary catheter involved placement of the balloon into the prostatic fossa following TURP. Removal of prostate tissue with a high-velocity saline stream (Aquablation) is a recently reported alternative to TURP. As Aquablation is heat-free, alternatives to non-thermal hemostasis were sought to optimize the procedure. We report use of a balloon catheter in the prostatic fossa after Aquablation as a post-resection hemostatic method.