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Sports and the solitary kidney: how to counsel parents
Winnipeg Children's Hospital, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, C
Jun  2006 (Vol.  13, Issue  3, Pages( 3120 - 3126)


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    To determine how to counsel parents of young children with a solitary kidney in a manner compliant with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). METHODS: As per the AAP recommendations, the relevant information required to provide a ˜Qualified Yes˜ to involvement in contact/collision sports was obtained through a PubMedTM search and local inquiries. Questions specifically addressed were: ? Available published information on risks of participation ? Availability of effective protective equipment that is acceptable to the athlete ? Whether the sport can be modified to allow safer participation.


    Pediatric renal trauma can result from sporting injuries, however more renal injuries are caused by motor vehicle accidents. Those sports associated with a higher risk of significant renal injury carry a five-fold higher risk of head injury. Tolerable protective equipment is available, but whether it decreases risk of renal trauma is unknown. Participation in ˜high-risk˜ sports can be modified to allow safer participation.


    Parents need to be counseled on the consequences of an injury to the solitary kidney, and potential ways to decrease such risks without being unnecessarily restrictive with respect to sports participation. Specific information to convey to parents in a concise manner is provided.